Oregon Caves Chateau - Page 2

(Continued from previous page.)
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Photos taken in June 2004.

Due to the heavy forest around the Chateau it is very difficult to get a picture of the entire building.

This view of the front of the building allows you to see more of the building. Notice the use of dormers, both gable and shed styles, on the building.  As you can see, the roof lines on the Chateau are very complex.  (Don't know what a gable or shed dormer is?  See this Wikipedia article.)  Notice the stacked shed style roofs on the 2nd and 3rd floors (in the center of the building between the two large gables.) The same stacked shed roofs are used on the back of the building.

This photo of the Chateau is essentially the same view as the previous one, I've just backed up a few feet.  You can see a walkway with a bench that leads up to the cave entrance in the foreground, beyond it is the horseshoe shaped roadway that wraps around the Chateau.  Between the road and the Chateau is the courtyard. (Yes, in case you were wondering, it was raining when I took these photos. I got soaked taking them.)
Moving down into the Chateau's courtyard, this photo was taken looking at the building with the trout pond in the foreground. (The pond was originally stocked with trout.) Most of the rock work was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) during the Great Depression. (There will be more on the landscape features around the Chateau and Chalet later in the tour.)

As we continue all the way around the horseshoe bend in the road we finally come to the main entrance on the side of the hotel.  Not really a grand entrance. The double doors lead into the lobby of the Chateau.  (On the 1st floor.)  Guest room windows are visible on the 2nd floor, and if you look close there is a tiny round topped window in the dormer which is a 3rd floor room's bathroom.

After you pass fully around the Chateau, the road continues a few hundred feet to the hotel guest parking lot. From there a small service road leads back down to the upper basement level storage rooms on the rear side of the Chateau. The door the woman is walking toward in this photo leads to the upper basement level storage and employee break areas.  The windows on the next floor up are the kitchen (the narrow path on the far right leads up to the kitchen.) The large plate glass window above the kitchen is one of the lobby windows on the 1st floor. The window above that (behind the tree branch) is a guest room (#210, the one we stayed in!) Hey look, it finally stopped raining!

A look at the full back wall of the Chateau. As you can see, the lower basement level has painted concrete walls without the bark siding.Above that is the upper basement level, then the large restaurant windows, next up the large lobby windows on the 1st floor.  You can see 2nd floor room windows under a shed dormer roof at the top.  Not visible from this angle are the 3rd floor guest room windows.

Another view, this one centered on the gift shop windows on the courtyard level.

After a short hike down into the canyon behind the Chateau, it is now possible to get a good feel for the full 6 floor height of the building, and how it spans the creek bed. The lower basement level is just barely visible, it has painted concrete walls without bark siding. The 3rd floor (attic) windows are still not visible from here, however you can see the 3rd floor fire escape door on the left side just below the roof peak. It's hard to get the feel in a photo for how massive the building seems from here. You have to lean your head way back to see the top of it.

A bit farther down the creek, you can see the water in the creek in this photo.

As you continue to hike down the trail along the creek the Oregon Caves Chateau disappears behind the trees.

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